Groovy Java

Release Notes with Groovy and JIRA REST API: Part II – Separate responsibilities

A while ago I described how to get release notes from JIRA with Groovy, so I thought it’s time to do a small follow up which is long overdue :-).

Let’s split things up to manageable classes with their own responsibility:

  • a JIRA REST client which encapsulates connecting to my JIRA instance, such as (HTTP) getting or posting from and to an url while using the proper credentialsgroovy-logo-medium
  • a JIRA query builder, responsible for building JQL snippets to be used for the JIRA search REST API

We’ll start at the bottom, so we’ll build upon the classes we already have.

Just Being Typesafe

Although a lot of the date we’re getting back from JIRA can be used as-is in Groovy, I decided to make the status of a JIRA issue, e.g. “Open”, into a trivial enum.

enum JiraStatus {
    OPEN("Open"), IN_PROGRESS("In Progress"), RESOLVED("Resolved"), REOPENED("Reopened"), CLOSED("Closed");

    JiraStatus(String value) { this.value = value }
    private final String value
    String value() { return value }

I’ll stick to Strings in the remainder of this post 🙂

Building a JQL Query

Queries you can execute within JIRA itself in the Issue Navigator can also be performed through the REST API. Because there are several elements which constitute a JQL-query I decided to use the builder pattern to programmatically create queries through the JiraQueryBuilder.

import JiraStatus

 * Builder for a JQL-snippet, used for the JIRA search REST API.
class JiraQueryBuilder  {

    private String project
    private int[] sprintIds
    private String sprintFunction
    private String[] issueKeys
    private String[] issueTypes
    private String[] excludedIssueTypes
    private String[] resolution
    private JiraStatus[] status
    private String[] labels
    private String fixVersion
    private String orderBy

     * Create a new query builder, querying by default everything for specified project, ordered by key.
    public JiraQueryBuilder(String project) {
        assert project
        this.project = project

    JiraQueryBuilder withSprintIds(int...sprintIds) {
        this.sprintIds = sprintIds
        return this

    JiraQueryBuilder withIssueKeys(String...issueKeys) {
        this.issueKeys = issueKeys
        return this

    JiraQueryBuilder withIssueTypes(String... issueTypes) {
        this.issueTypes = issueTypes
        return this

    JiraQueryBuilder withExcludedIssueTypes(String... excludedIssueTypes) {
        this.excludedIssueTypes = excludedIssueTypes
        return this

    JiraQueryBuilder withResolution(String... resolution) {
        this.resolution = resolution
        return this

    JiraQueryBuilder withStatus(JiraStatus... status) {
        this.status = status
        return this

    JiraQueryBuilder withLabels(String... labels) {
        this.labels = labels
        return this

    JiraQueryBuilder withFixVersion(String fixVersion) {
        this.fixVersion = fixVersion
        return this

    JiraQueryBuilder withOrderBy(String orderBy) {
        this.orderBy = orderBy
        return this

    String build() {
        String jql = "project = ${project}"

        if (sprintIds) {
            jql += " AND sprint in (${sprintIds.join(',')})"

        if (sprintFunction) {
            jql += " AND sprint in ${sprintFunction}"

        if (issueKeys) {
            jql += " AND issuekey in (${issueKeys.join(',')})"

        if (issueTypes) {
            jql += " AND issuetype in (${issueTypes.join(',')})"

        if (excludedIssueTypes) {
            jql += " AND issuetype not in (${excludedIssueTypes.join(',')})"

        if (status) {
            // turn (IN_PROGRESS, RESOLVED) into (Resolved, In Progress)
            jql += " AND status in (${status*.value().join(',')})"

        if (resolution) {
            jql += " AND resolution in (${resolution.join(',')})"

        if (labels) {
            jql += " AND labels in (${labels.join(',')})"

        if (fixVersion) {
            jql += " AND fixVersion = \"${fixVersion}\""

        if (orderBy) {
            jql += " order by ${orderBy}"

        return jql

Connecting to JIRA

Finally I needed to encapsulate the connection to a JIRA instance, allowing me to (HTTP) GET and POST from and to it, including using the proper credentials.

// require(groupId:'org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', artifactId:'http-builder', version:'0.5.2')
import net.sf.json.groovy.*
import static JiraStatus.*

 * JIRA REST client wrapper around
class JiraRESTClient extends {

    private static final String DEFAULT_PROJECT = "XXX"
    private static final String DEFAULT_SEARCH_URL = "http://jira/rest/api/latest/"

    String username
    String password
    def credentials = [:]

     * Create a REST client using Maven properties jira.username and jira.password for JIRA username and password.
    static JiraRESTClient create(def project) {

        String jiraUsername =['jira.username']
        String jiraPassword =['jira.password']

        if (!jiraUsername?.trim()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty property: jira.username")

        if (!jiraPassword?.trim()) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty property: jira.password")

        return create(jiraUsername, jiraPassword)

     * Create a REST client using provided JIRA username and password.
    static JiraRESTClient create(String username, String password) {
        return new JiraRESTClient(DEFAULT_SEARCH_URL, username, password)

    private JiraRESTClient(String url, String username, String password) {
        assert username
        assert password

        log.debug "Created for user=${username}, url=" + url
        this.username = username;
        this.password = password;

        credentials['os_username'] = this.username
        credentials['os_password'] = this.password

    def get(String path, def query) {

        try {
            def response = get(path: path, contentType: "application/json", query: query)
            assert response.status == 200
            assert ( instanceof net.sf.json.JSON)
            return response
        } catch ( e) {
            if (e.response.status == 400) {
                // HTTP 400: Bad Request, JIRA returned error
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("JIRA query failed, response data=${}", e)
            } else {
                throw new IOException("JIRA connection failed, got HTTP status ${e.response.status}, response data=${}", e)


    def post(String path, def body, def query) {

        try {
            def response = post(path: path, contentType: "application/json", body: body, query: query)
            return response
        } catch ( e) {
            if (e.response.status == 400) {
                // HTTP 400: Bad Request, JIRA returned error
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("JIRA query failed, got HTTP status 400, response data=${}", e)
            } else {
                throw new IOException("JIRA connection failed, got HTTP status ${e.response.status}, response data=${}", e)


     * Search JIRA with provided JQL e.g. "project = XXX AND ..."
     * @returns response
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case of bad JQL query
     * @throws IOException in case of JIRA connection failure
     * @see JiraQueryBuilder to create these JQL queries
    def search(String jql) {
        assert jql

        def query = [:]
        query << credentials
        query['jql'] = jql

        query['startAt'] = 0
        query['maxResults'] = 1000

        log.debug "Searching with JQL: " + jql
        return get("search", query)

Credentials are appended in plain sight to the url, but for internal use I found this acceptable. The search() gets a JQL string passed, appends the credentials and delegates to our own get() which actually performs‘s get() to make it happen.

Querying Release Notes

The query to get all Resolved or Closed issues for a certain fix version  can be encapsulated in a getReleaseNotes method, such as seen below.

def getReleaseNotes(String fixVersion) {
  String jql = new JiraQueryBuilder(DEFAULT_PROJECT)
                    .withStatus(RESOLVED, CLOSED)
  return search(jql)


I’m still kickstarting this script with e.g. the gmaven-plugin which allows me to get my JIRA credentials from e.g. settings.xml, while the fix version for the JIRA query can be supplied as a property on the command-line.

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